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Here we have listed things to take into account when creating or updating your profile.

About me


fill in all fields

Some of the information here will be visible in your profile, while other parts are used by Artworks to search and filter artists for clients.

Write a biography

Your visitors want to know more about you. Questions that can be answered in the biography could be as follows: who you are as an artist, what kind of art you create, if you have any artistic training, what your inspiration is, and what techniques you use.


The information in your resume helps visitors feel confident enough to buy your art. Therefore, don't forget to keep your CV updated and feel free to seek inspiration from other artists.


Your profile on Artworks helps direct traffic to your website and social media. Don't forget to test that the links work.



at least 8 works (2 rows)

Primarily, your profile functions as a portfolio page and should therefore reflect your entire artistry. By giving a clear view of your artistry, your profile aims to spark an interest, which later leads to visitors looking for more information about you, monitoring or buying works. It is therefore important to fill in as much information about the artworks as possible.

Some of the information will be visible on the page of the artwork, while other parts are used by Artworks to search and filter works for clients.


We recommend all artists that aim to sell through Artworks, to put a price on their work. By not putting a price on your artwork the threshold for most people will be higher since they don't know which prize to expect. In Artsy's report from 2021, artworks with a price were 6 times more likely to sell. The majority of works sold through Artworks have a set price.

Direct payment

If you can ensure the availability of the artwork, then your artwork should be made available for direct payment. This means that the customer does not need to send a request but can buy the work directly.

Straight lines

It's never pretty when a painting hangs crooked. It is the same with pictures of artworks. Visitors appreciate it if paintings hang straight and are photographed from the front so that it is easy to see how the artwork looks. You can then use detailed images to, for example, highlight the artwork from different angles.

Arrange your works

Display your artworks in the order you prefer. Try your way until you are satisfied.



physical and/or digital

It's best to publish your exhibitions 2 weeks ahead of the opening and to include the artworks being exhibited.

You also have the option to create a completely digital exhibition, alone or together with others. Both digital and physical exhibitions can then be shared in the Artworks network.



create mailing lists for your contacts

Your followers recive automatic notifications when you upload art or create activities, however, if you wish to inform your contacts directly, please do the following:

Start by uploading your contacts to be able to send out designed emails with, for example, new artworks or invitations, directly through Artworks.

What happens next?

When your profile is published, it can then be shared in the Artworks network. You always have access to insights into the number of page visits, as well as which artworks get the most interest from visitors and more, all in your dashboard.